2006 TW Blogger BoF: 行前

再過個兩天就要上台北參加 2006 Blogger Bof 了。自從上次寫下2006 TW Blogger BoF: 期待之後,世事又有了一些變化。也順便整理一下行前在交通方面我應該做的功課。(資料引自2006 Blogger BoF 網站 )

===== 出發 =====

0700 出門 (天啊!!!星期六7:00出門!!)

客運/火車 – 台北火車站
捷運:台北車站 – 龍山寺站
步行:西園路 – 大理街 – 中時電子報

===== Tutorial =====

0900~1130: Track 3 ( Blog Media 媒體/新媒體)
地點:中時電子報 – 台北市萬華區大理街132號 (地圖)





1. 主流媒體與blog的互動歷史–NYTimes、WSP、CBS、CNN、BBC、Guardian…

2. 政治如何利用部落格,部落格如何介入政治–政治人物部落格指南、監督政治的公民新途徑…

3. 媒體滲透時代,閱聽人的轉變。

4. 媒體改革與對抗2.0



1. 開放源碼媒體 – BBC Backstage

2. 人家是怎麼作的?Blog/Media 2.0
2.1 Personal Blogging Media
2.2 Niche Blogging Media – Gawker, Autoblog, DoNews
2.3 Social Blogging Media – HemiDemi, Digg, Findory, Memeorandum, Newsvine, Reddit, NowPublic, Wikio
2.4 Geospatial Blogging Media – Chizunikki
2.5 Advertising Blogging Media – Blogburst, Blogads

3. 新﹝或是傳統﹞媒體工作者之機會和挑戰


===== 接駁/午餐 =====

1130 Bus Transporation 巴士接駁
1200~1300 Lunch 午餐 (for Tutorial only)
1230~1330 BoF Registration / Social / Press Conference
地點: 台北市新生南路三段三十號福華文教會館1F前瞻廳

=====2006 BoF 輕鬆聚=====

1330~1345 Opening 開場

1345~1420 Keynote 1 (somthing like–from CNN to GVO)

— Rebecca MacKinnon, Global Voices Online

Rebecca is currently a research Fellow at the Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, and the co-founder of Global Voices Online, an international citizens media community.

She was based in China and Japan for CNN from 1992 until the end of 2003. In January 2004 she went on leave to do a 1-semester fellowship with the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Rebecca MacKinnon was one of CNN’s youngest Bureau Chiefs (China, fluent in Chinese), named as a Global Leaders of Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum. She left CNN and became a fellow at Harvard’s Berkmen Center and founded Global Voices with Ethan Zuckerman.

Visit RConversation and GlobalVoicesOnline

1420~1500 Panel 1 Dialog: Blogger vs. Journalist (Sponsored by 中時電子報)
— Moderator: 中時電子報 Chinatimes.com 郭至楨總編輯
— Panelist: Rebecca vs. 中國時報主筆彭蕙仙


自認是個幸福且浪漫的人。兼具理性與感性,儘可能做到工作與生活平衡發展;她一手寫政治評論,一手寫兩性關係,也是另一種平衡。 酷愛閱讀,認為一個人能夠識字、看幾本好書,是絕大的幸福,值得再三感激。 曾做過電影場記;電視節目執製作;唱片企劃宣傳;曾任高雄港都電台及台北之音 DJ;雜誌編採及報社記者。

1500~1520 Coffee Break + 養樂多 (Sponsored by 蕃薯藤 Yam.com)

1520~1600 Keynote 2 (something like–Browsing Web 2.0)

— Gen Kanai, Mozilla Corporation

Gen Kanai is Director for Asia Business Development of Mozilla Corporation. In 2005, Gen was Strategy Manager for Technorati Japan and helped to launch the Technorati Japan weblog search service in Japan.

Gen has also previously worked for Sony Japan, Sony USA and Toyota USA.

Gen is originally from New York City and went to university at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, US. He is currently lives in Japan and enjoys swimming, motorcycling, photography, electronic music and snowboarding.

Gen has been blogging for more than 5 years at Gen Kanai’s Blog

1600~1630 Panel 2 Web 2.0(?) (Sponsored by Mozilla Corporation)
— Moderator:
— Panelist: Gen, 葛力 (hemidemi), URmap 研究發展處協理黎瑋, One other panelist from VC

Gary Lin(林建宏),學生時代即熱衷於網路,曾任交大校園網路策進會(CCCA)第二屆會長,資迅人(pAsia Inc.) 網路研發經理,主導 8d8d.com 等大型社群網站開發。著有 《Inernet無限拓展您的視野》,《向 X-Window 挑戰》等書。曾經目睹網路之興盛衰敗。2005 年辭掉竹科工作,再度投入網路事業。現為 HEMiDEMi 創辦人。

1630~1710 Open Forum (Host: 中廣部落格有啥了不起節目主持人 葉子妹&阿民嫂)

1710~1725 Video Blogging (TBD, Sponsored by TiVo)

1725~1730 抽獎 (TiVo一台, iPod Video一台, 還有天下雜誌, 誠品書店, 網路與書等提供的精美禮物!)

===== BoF會後 =====


在〈2006 TW Blogger BoF: 行前〉中有 3 則留言

  1. PipperL 要去這次的 2006 TW Blogger BoF 丫?真好…伴月也好想去,但可惜這次的行程已經被別人訂走了。嗚~記得到時回來要寫 BLOG 唷!

  2. 自動引用通知: 終極邊疆BLOG


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